Uniswap V2 was designed to collect 1/6th of the swap fees to the protocol. Since a swap fee is 0.3%, 1/6th of that is 0.05%, so 0.05% of every trade would go to the protocol.

Although this feature was never actually activated, we discuss this feature anyway since some forks may use it. It is also very easy to get the calculation wrong, so investing the time now to understand it will help you catch errors in similar calculations later.


You need to be familiar with all the prior chapters in the Uniswap V2 Book to be able to follow along.

Collecting protocol fees during swaps is inefficient

It would be inefficient to collect 0.05% of the fee on every trade because that would require additional token transfers. Transferring ERC20 tokens requires a storage update, so transferring to two addresses instead of one would be considerably more expensive.

Therefore, the fee is collected when a liquidity provider calls burn or mint. Since these operations are infrequent compared to swapping tokens, this will lead to gas savings. To collect the mintFee, the contract calculates the amount of fees collected since that last happened, and mints enough LP tokens to the beneficiary address such that the beneficiary is entitled to 1/6th of the fee.

Terminology of fee and mintFee

To avoid confusion in terminology, we refer to fee as the 0.3% collected from traders during the swap, and the mintFee the 1/6th of the 0.3% fee. Yes, having fee in both terms is not great nomenclature, but that’s what we have to work with.

Liquidity is the square root of the products of the token balances in the pool. The justification for this formula was discussed in the Uniswap V2 swap function article. Some literature refers to this as sqrt(k) where k = xy and x and y are the token balances. We refer to liquidity with â„“ to minimize notation.

Computing the mintFee assumptions

For this to work, Uniswap V2 relies on the following two invariants: